online studio ~ school

& wellness clinic



Scared of commitment? Like to take things one step at a time? We understand. Our monthly membership option is a no lock-in contract to our online studio space - ready when you are to continue growing your practice or challenge yourself.



Ready to take the year long commitment to challenge yourself and grow your practice?! Whether a long time yogi or pilates newbie who’s ready to take the plunge - our annual membership option will set you up for a year long access to our ever growing online studio space x



    Whether you want a gentle morning movement practice or a strong flow, our classes focus on a variety of different styles you may be after

  • FUN

    Have fun! we have enough seriousness in our lives, we wanted to approach health and wellness with fun and lightheartedness


    No not the kind where you can touch your toes! as humans we move through many physical, mental and emotional spaces throughout the day, week etc and we wanted your practice to be flexible and adaptable to your needs at each moment

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